Sunday, September 25, 2005

Wright Weather Consulting for Weather Expert Testimony, Past Weather, Forensic Meteorology, Weather Experts for Expert Witness Testimony & Certified Weather Data

Our meteorologists can provide you with expert witness testimony on past weather conditions, climate data and detailed weather forecasts. A meteorology expert can also prepare certified past weather reports and testify as a forensic expert at trial. Our weather experts also provide air quality permitting and environmental studies as well as expert testimony on air pollution. Additional environmental services such as planning, traffic studies and Phase I site assessments are also performed. You may call for a free consultation at 212-582-7434.

Please visit our services page for more information.

Weather Data
Past Weather Reports
Phase I
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Our expert consulting services can be provided in all 50 states and data for any location in the world. We can provide certified weather data and expert witness testimony, air quality permitting, environmental Phase I assessments, detailed forecasts and alerts as well as climate studies for any weather parameter including wind, precipitation, visibility and severe weather. A forensic expert meteorological analysis is often beneficial to attorneys who are in litigation for claims where weather was a factor. We can also provide past weather information for insurance adjusters, snow removal companies, landscapers and construction contractors. Detailed forecasts are available for film and television filming and sporting events.

George Wright, Certified Consulting Meteorologist and President of Wright Weather Consulting, LLC. View our web site at