Friday, January 20, 2012

Massive Snowfall in Alaska So Far this Winter...

Record snowfalls have occurred this season in Alaska with Valdez receiving more than 27 feet and Cordova nearly 16 feet through January 19, 2012. A story on the from the Associated Press is available here.

This is from the City of Cordova's web site:

“Snowpocalypse” THURSDAY, January 19, 2012 Update from the City of Cordova

The Refuse Department are picking up all residential areas on regular schedule. The crew is trying to get to all dumpsters and are working at getting all the equipment up to 100% but they are moving ahead! Please be patient and if necessary use the extra dumpsters placed near the harbormaster’s office.  School will be back to regular schedule Tuesday through Friday. FRIDAY which was scheduled as an in-service day will now be a makeup day. The Tip-Off Tourney activities will be held Thursday through Saturday. Activities will be delayed with Flight 61 being cancelled. Stay tuned for updates! The City is hiring shovellers to work specifically on the city buildings. Please report to city hall and sign in. Make sure you bring your identification, wear warm clothes and be prepared to shovel all day.  Have a fire hydrant near your home? Make sure it’s dug out. Our volunteer fire department has dug out 98% of them. We’re trying to make sure they have a good 4’ clearance.  Bidarki Recreation Center is now open again. Yahoo! Get out and work any muscles you haven’t used lately!! NOON CLASSES ARE BACK CALL 424-7282 FOR MORE INFO. The pool however will remain closed for the rest of this week and the weekend. We’ll update again on Monday (23rd) If you have sustained damage to your property from the snowstorm – cars, boats, houses, outbuildings – please fill out an Initial Damage Assessment Form. These are available on the city’s website and at city hall. PLEASE TURN THESE IN AS SOON AS YOU CAN TO CITY HALL!! IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE, HAVE QUESTIONS…PLEASE CALL 424-6200. WE’RE HERE TO HELP!  Take time now to check on your neighbors and friends. Some of us Cordovans are too proud (or stubborn) to ask for a little help!  Avalanche danger is low and the Copper River Highway is open. Forecast is for clear and cold continuing the rest of the week.  Weather conditions are clear and cold, PLEASE BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL ON THE ICE and snow. Wear your grippers! It is extremely slippery outside! t’s time now for Cordovans to continue to work together to help our neighbors, friends and families. There is still much to do. Keep removing snow from your buildings and properties. With this break in the weather we have the opportunity to prepare for the next go round! Let’s do what we do best - help each other! The City offices are open for regular business. Please understand and be patient as staff will still be dealing with emergency issues. The Library is open! The museum will not be open until we get heat back in that side of the building.

George Wright is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist for Wright Weather Consulting, LLC. George is also a meteorologist with ABC News and Cablevision News 12. Our website is