Thursday, March 19, 2009

No Early Spring in Sight - April Snow?

We say goodbye to Winter 2008-2009 on March 20th at 7:44 a.m. The general weather trend over the next two weeks appears to favor temperatures at or below normal with a few warmer days near 70 degrees late next week. The normal high temperature for late March is in the low to mid 50s in New York City.

In Central Park, a total of 27.6 inches of snow for the season adn this is 6.9 inches above normal. You would not think this winter saw above normal snowfall since there was not many days with snow cover (the snow that fell did not stay on the ground long) and the largest storm did not occur until March 1st and 2nd when 8.3 inches of snow fell.

No major storms are forecast by the computer models for the next two weeks. One model, the GFS is forecasting a couple of brief cold outbreaks with perhaps a chance of a little wet snow especially in the suburbs around March 31st. Also, the same model is indicating that there could be an early April snowfall in the NYC area. Of course this is still several days out and the forecast can change dramatically between now and then. Sometimes a cold spring will produce an accumulating snowfall in the first week of April. Back in April 2003, 4.0 inches of snow fell on April 7th in Central Park!

George Wright, Certified Consulting Meteorologist and President of Wright Weather Consulting, Inc. View our web site at